Fighting Poverty in



Our church partners with Christians Against Poverty (CAP UK) to support local people here in Bournemouth who are facing unmanageable debt. At LOVECHURCH we’ve seen how poverty robs people of dignity, hope and opportunities, and together with CAP we’re determined to fight back.

Contact Helen Davies on 07920644399 or visit to find out more.

CAP Debt Advice

CAP offers a unique Debt Help service to empower you to get out of poverty and be free from fear and worry of overwhelming debts.

If you’d like to receive support, you’ll be given a CAP representative who will visit you at home. They will introduce the service to you and ask you about your income, bills and debts so that the Caseworkers in CAP’s Head Office can create a realistic and sustainable budget for you.

We’ll support you on your journey to become debt free.

If you’re struggling with debt, please call the free, confidential helpline on 0800 328 0006. They will help you take the first steps to becoming debt free.

The Money Course

The CAP Money Course is free and will help you manage your money better and learn how to budget, save and spend well. In just a few weeks, you will get to grips with your finances so you can budget, save and prevent debt.

If you want to take complete control of your finances, then this course will be ideal for you.

Where: St Clements Church

When: Every Wednesday in June, 9-11am.

Sign Up Here

Here are some stories from people in our local community who have used CAP services.


Still have questions?

If you would like to get in touch please contact Helen Davies, our Debt Centre Manager: